Have you ever seen or heard of someone being injured or destroying their property/family immediately after saying the words "Hey, everybody! Watch this!"?
It's a redneck joke, and there are plenty of youtube videos to back it up. It's human nature. We all want to do something really cool, and are willing to overlook certain precautions in order to achieve that goal.
Scientists are no exception. The tricky part is, they're working with things that aren't a sweaty fat man in a wife beater trying to pull down that tree next to his trailer. Things with the potential to really mess some stuff up.
The reckoning is coming. One of these days, in the pursuit of the Nobel prize in chemistry, or medicine, or bat-shit craziness, a scientist is going to make a breakthrough that will destroy the current world order and put an end to the rather comfortable concept of human superiority on Earth.
My question is: what will this breakthrough be?
Robots or Zombies?
Will the mechanical/technological breakthroughs create a system of computers and chips and fiber optics that realizes humanity is pretty much just a pain in the ass?

Will some freak of nature/genetic experimentation/infectious disease research backfire on all of us, turning the segment of the population that doesn't immediately die into mindless, soulless eating machines that feel neither pain nor pity?

Of course, sci-fi fans will tell you that there is a third option, and that is that aliens will invade and conquer us. That's entirely possible, but I have no way of monitoring their progress with my current level of internet expertise. Suffice it to say that upon the arrival of these intergalactic overlords, this blog will become null and void.
Anyway. This blog is designed as a public service to enlighten you all of advances in fields of science and technology, and let you know which of these two outcomes they make more probable. I haven't yet worked out the points system but we'll see how it develops.
Given that I'm terrible at updating even my own blog, I will gladly accept submissions or links to articles that you feel fit this framework at therevspecial@gmail.com. Subject: Robots vs. Zombies.
Thanks, and stay tuned.
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