Thursday, July 16, 2009

Robots that will eat us

Yeah yeah, I haven't updated this since I made it a year ago. I've been busy, get over yourself. But check this craziness out:

Upcoming Military Robot Could Feed on Dead Bodies

Holy crap.

Quoth Fox News:

"A Maryland company under contract to the Pentagon is working on a steam-powered robot that would fuel itself by gobbling up whatever organic material it can find — grass, wood, old furniture, even dead bodies."

"You look delicious."

Well damn. Sure, a lot of people are going to dismiss this as sensationalism, that the robot is designed to convert organic matter, and yes ok fine human bodies are organic matter. The reporter who first made that connexion is giving him/herself a vigorous congratulating.

But that doesn't make it less true. When the Machines rise, they're going to need someplace to put all those dead humans, why not convert them to fuel?

Why not just start converting them to fuel immediately and not understand why the rest are freaking out and decide to kill them all?

This is a highly alarming advancement for the robots.

Also, it gives them a huge tactical advantage in my predicted Robot/Zombie wars.

Rev out.

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I'm not a hero. I'm just a guy with a keyboard and free time. If you feel you must reward me, I accept both cash and Kool-Aid points.